Frequently asked questions

How do you make money?

We only earn when we've successfully helped you score a new deal. For example, if you find your new supplier or provider through us, they pay our fee. Don't worry, this fee doesn't affect the price you pay – we don't control those prices and how they fluctuate. Our mission at Tuza is to get businesses the best rates with their new card machine - independent businesses (that’s you!) are what make Tuza tick.

Our mission is to help businesses make informed choices, which is why our price comparison tool is free for you to use. Instead, we get paid by the providers we work with. If you find your provider through us, they’ll pay us a small fee. Don’t worry; this fee doesn’t affect your price — it’s generally factored into their marketing budgets. It also doesn’t influence our recommendations or the sorting of products in our comparison panel - we’re completely impartial.

Can I trust the results you provide?

At Tuza, we believe everyone should have fair and equal access to transparent card machine rates. Our neutral and fair comparison means we can find you a deal that suits your needs perfectly.

The results we show you are not affected by any fees we receive from providers - this means that at Tuza, we’re proud to be completely impartial.

But what does that mean, we hear you ask?

Our results are based on your specific needs and then ranked from the cheapest to most expensive. We make comparisons across the industry’s top card machines to help you find the right deal. We compare providers big and small, but we can’t guarantee that every provider and product available is covered. However, by using our comparison service, you’ll save precious time, and we guarantee £500 cashback if you can’t find a better deal!

Shouldn’t I just buy direct from providers?

It’s human nature to shop around for the best rates possible. That’s why we remember all your details so you can come back to all your quotes saved in one place at the click of a button.

Tuza is built for people like you - street-smart business owners who want to make sure they’re getting the best deal possible, with the least amount of effort required (you have customers to be getting back to, after all).

Tuza has a 4.6 star rating on Trustpilot, compared to the industry average of 2.9 stars. That means our customers think we’re ‘Excellent’ in Trustpilot terms (we’re blushing!).

Shouldn’t I try more than one comparison site?

It’s human nature to shop around for the best rates possible. That’s why we remember all your details so you can come back to all your quotes saved in one place at the click of a button.

Tuza is built for people like you - street-smart business owners who want to make sure they’re getting the best deal possible, with the least amount of effort required (you have customers to be getting back to, after all).

Tuza has a 4.6 star rating on Trustpilot, compared to the industry average of 2.9 stars. That means our customers think we’re ‘Excellent’ in Trustpilot terms (we’re blushing!).

Will providers contact me?

We’ll only share your details once you've chosen a card machine and are happy with the pricing.

Through some of our comparison services, you will have the ability to opt in or out of receiving further communication from our partners, to discuss your quote.

Once you click through to any of our partners’ websites, you will be subject to their Privacy Policy in relation to any communications you will receive from them.

We only share your details once you've chosen a card machine and are happy with pricing. You have the freedom to opt in to marketing content from our providers, but we won’t pass on your details without your say so!

Through some of our comparison services, you will have the ability to opt in or out of receiving further communication from our partners, to discuss your quote.

Once you click through to any of our partners’ websites, you will be subject to their Privacy Policy in relation to any communications you will receive from them.